Risen Against Gravity


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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Rocket Fuel and IRO

I wonder whether the coming exams as well as the Chinese 'O' level results which will be coming back sometime this month has caused everyone to be acting strangely. Andy went round our class, trying to pass thru a tennis racket.

On the other hand, out form tutor seems to have taken rocket fuel. Slides after slides of the powerpoint presentatiion were flashing past our eyes as her "trigger-happy" finger tabbed on the 'enter' key. She didn't even stop much. As a result, we finished the chapter of 40 over slides within one lesson. We were clueless as to what she was teaching or talking about. A few were even sleeping!!

RME today was fun. The guest sheduled to speak, called in informing the school he was going to be late. By the time he arrived, it was the end of the lesson. However, it was quite a hilarious session as our deputy principal Bro Mike turned the whole thing into an part-entertainment lesson. All the talk about those "bloody" terrorists had us falling off our chair. It was not just all laughter. Bro Mike, as a memeber of the Inter-Religious Organization (IRO) talked to us the importance of IR relationship. He also told us about the 4 levels of IR relationship:

Level 1: building of inter-religious friendships, and accepting people of other ethic background as a friend.

Level 2: working together, whether it is for a common goal/cause or any other projects

Level 3: telling or explaining your faith to people. REMEMBER: the aim of this is not for you to convert them, but rather get them to understand you and your religion better. When you understand and respect other people's religion and beliefs, you have qualified to be in this stage.

Level 4, being a bible / Quran / Sutra or any other religious academic. This has a more far reaching effect than Level 3. The basic idea is still the same. Explaining your relgion to others abeit to a larger community. Conventions are also held to enable people to discuss the their / or others religion, allowing you to gain knowledge of others. It is important to remeber that the aim is NOT for you to convert others. It is only to educate others about the religion.

Most Singaporeans should have qualified for the first 3 levels since we are living in a multi-racial and religious society.
Overall, it was quite an eye-opener, especially when we found out that their meetings are held in Geylang....

Auditions for teachers day was held yesterday, but the results are still unknown. Don't know if we were able to get in. However, the comments were quite favourable...

Well... we just have to continue waiting...

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