Risen Against Gravity


I've moved my blog and portfolio to http://fusedthought.com/en/blog. However, this site will still be kept as an archive...

Individual entires can still be accessed using their trackback links.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Slow down!!

Whoa.... Dunno wat the teachers ate... They are going at 200Km per Hour!!
Phyics teacher finished two chapters already....
Maths finish One whole Topic already!!!

Next Week will be another week of tests.... Already got bout 4 days filled. Maths, Chem, History 2158, Phyics and Chinese...
Phew... Can't we get any rest??
Oops... maybe I forgot we r in Sec 4 already.....

Well.. well.... Can't complain if it can help me in my 'O' Level... or can I??

Anyway, hope can set a day to watch Hotel Rwanda with my frens becoz it is related to History (or so the teachers claimed).

Also I changed the song on the blog to "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel... It is a song wif Historial context (It summarizes major events which has happened around the world in the past) if u listen to the lyrics...

Till the next entry....

....Signing Out.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sick!!!....... so sianz!!!.......

fell sick!!
This sucks....
can't sleep at night...
Went to the doctor yesterday, said i got Larynx infection....
MC 2 days and have to eat a whole lot of medicines (Leftose, Actimin, Cephamycin and 3 others!!) Cannot even walk properly after eating the medicines..

Got a lot of tests next week... Sec 4s really have no life....

On the political front, Zhao Ziyang passed away at the age of 85... .He was the person behind Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms......
hmm... wonder if we will be studying bout him in 2158... but we will definitely study bout Deng Xiaoping.....

kk byez for now... can't say much as the medicine is taking effect already and am feeling very sleepy...


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