Risen Against Gravity


I've moved my blog and portfolio to http://fusedthought.com/en/blog. However, this site will still be kept as an archive...

Individual entires can still be accessed using their trackback links.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Burn Out

Burn out.. really burnt out..

So much work this week... Still got 'A' Level Biology Skills B and C SPA and Economics Test.

Today's PE was also quite a killer... Don't want to go into details of it...

Most probably will write a better post next time.. Too tired to blog anything of content this time.

cya.. got to finish my maths first before I sleep.. Its like 11.20pm already.

Friday, July 28, 2006

tired eyes, sore fingers

My eyes are going to close, and my fingers, more accurately my thumb is about to come off..

So tired... 2.4km trial run today. So boring.. had to run within the school. Wished we could have run outside, round the school.... It always seems shorter running outside the school although the actual distance is more than 2.4km. Finished it in 11.58mins...

The worse part was after the run, we had an almost non-existant break, before heading to the chemistry labs for our 'A' Level Chemistry Science Practiacal Assessment (SPA) Skill D... That reminds me... next week I still have 'A' Level Biology SPA.

So its PE, 2 periods of chem, 2 periods of GP and then 1 period of econs... Don't know how I kept my eyes open... Quite a feat...

Then training... My thumb again suffered the consequences of excessive pressure and friction.... Whats left of the piece of skin still attached to my thumb got 'ripped' off... Ok can say its my fault for going training even though I know my thumb is injured... Oh well.. too late to regret now...

*Site updates

LOLx.. for now, the old layouts are back. Yup... yx, the sister chromatids are back...

I am in the process of recoding.. however, most probably I will bring back this template as an option, re-customising it for the new base code.


Monday, July 24, 2006

Birthday celebration and blog

Went out today to celebrate my friend's birthday.

Watched Pirates of the Carribean.
Looks like there is going to be the 3rd instalment of the show, judging by the type of ending they had... And the short part after the credits was lame. We sat through the whole credit just to see a dog biting a bone... -_-"

At lunch at around 4pm. LOLx.
The train ride home was crowded as there was disruptions in the North-East Line.
Phew! Long wait too.

Oh man... looks like fileden is down...
The graphics for this blog as well as the bowling blog is out.

Had to create a temporary layout for this blog and take away the other stylesheets for the time being. good also.. Time for me to revamp the whole base coding.
After doing the bowling blog, I figured that my current coding for this site isn't as semantic as i thought it would be. it would do with some further improvements. After trial runs with the style layout changer, I am contemplating whether to take it off in lieu with the current problem of over-dependence on a host for the css layout.
Though there are benefits of having an external stylesheets, I think an internal stylesheet for a blog is more practical.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Drenched soaked

Ok, I was drenched, soaked or what other terms you can think of to describe being wet from walking in the rain. So happy that I almost sung. Sheesh.

Even though I had an excuse from PE from the doctor, I had to walk 4 rounds around the school track. Walked 5 rounds in the end. I don't wanna say why. Later someone complain ...

Had 1 hour 45 minutes of Chem then 1 hour 45 minutes of GP and 55 minutes of econs without any break. It was very hilarious when there was jazz music while we were doing our GP essay. Seems like they were practising for the blacklights (or issit backlights??) event which should have just ended since its close to 11pm now. Too bad they were across the field and cannot ask them to quieten down. And imagine how loud they were if we can hear every note that ensued from their instruments so clearly, taking into account that we were across the field in an air-conditioned class rooms with every hole in the wall closed.

Then came to the part about getting drenched. Waited for a long time b4 I went to get the bowling bags. Supposed to report at 3pm but almost no one was there (ok, maybe only about 5 ppl) came by 2.50pm... Went to the storeroom and it started raining. The key I had was the faulty one and it took quite some time to open the door. Then while walking back, it rained. Moments, just moments after stepping into the shelter, someone called and said they were at the store, standing in the rain. Had to rush back to open. yup, in the rain. Drenched from head to toe. 像落汤鸡似的.

Ok.. I think I will leave out the rest of it. haha

Anyway, training was cool. Although because of the events above, me and the treasurer was like 1 hour late. So happy that I finally got my release correct. Oh and the speed at which my bowling ball travel down the lane doubled (I think). So nice. I lost count of my strikes.. Hope can keep this up.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

its finally up!!

yeah!! the new layout for the TJC bowling blog is launched..
After four days of work, re-coding the entire site and doing up all the graphics, I am glad to say it has finally gone online.

Four days doing this means four days of opportunity costs lost as well as externality incurred, factoring electricity bills.

But anyway, at least it turned out nice ( http://tjcstrikeforce.blogspot.com ).

So many post-mortems for the subjects. Tomorrow there will be another one for Economics, stretching my school hours till 6.30pm.

Its gonna be one long day tomorrow...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

TJC PvP and Bowling Team Blog

The first Temasek Junior College Past Vs Present Bowling "Championship" is over. Congratulations to all winners.

An update can be found on the new TJC Bowling Team Blog.

Haven't been doing much for this blog layout... A few layouts have been put on hold. And various not launched... Currently designing a new layout for the TJC Bowling Blog which can be found at http://tjcstrikeforce.blogspot.com
Since no one gave me any concepts, design brief or even graphics, I am now "banging my head against the wall" thinking of what to do, and how to do it.

Anyway, tomorrow still got school... have to finish my carboxylic acid tutorial.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

JCT and A levels

OH!!! I actually passed my JCT!! Wow... Thats quite a surprise... The amount of moderation done was substantial! However, though it is an overall pass, the marks for each subject is still atrocious.

Across the level, papers like chemistry have almost as many people failing compared to passing.

Cannot change anything now... Only have to look towards the promos and not repeat such catastrophe..

Had my A Level chinese oral today... omg! I actually stuttered and read the last few lines wrongly!! omg omg omg!!! how how?? It was quite bad. The conversation wasn't any better also. The topic was quite unexpected. Worse, I didn't list down a few important points.. on top of that, almost talked out of point....

Tsk tsk... disappointing, disappointing...

Friday, July 07, 2006


Yep.. Atrocious.. Thats the word. It describes the JCT results.

What will we get? The words flunk, flunk and flunk seems to appear quite often. Such atrocity is seldom seen and never should be seen again.

And now, the deadline Evaluation of Materials (EOM) and Written Report (WR) for our Project Work (PW) is creeping up. The drafts are expected to be in by next week. Such a rush. Thankfully surveys and implementation was carried out during the June Holidays.

PDP / CCA today was quite or short, depending from whose point of view. 3 hour training... did 2 step drills for 3 hours. Patches of skin on my thumb were ripped off by the bowling ball.. Ouch... Looks like I can't bowl for a while.

OH well.. its the weekends again... Have to finish up the weekend homework as well as JCT reflection (if not more marks will be deducted from the JCT)... Don't think I can do any today. Guess I'll have to "chiong" (rush) everything (the homework) tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Slowly one by one...

Yup... Slowly one-by-one, the teachers are giving back our results...

oh my gosh.. first thing in the morning is mathematics...
She started off: "Let me get the marks down then I throw your papers away...". What a heart stopper.

Well... that reaction was not surprising. On the contrary, I was surprise i passed. Barely.

Its 1 down, 5 more to go. Not much hope for the rest. Seeing the maths scores, which was supposed to be one of the better subjects got me prepared for the worst. And by "worst", I am saying it as an understatement. what can be worse then worst? I really don't know. One thing for sure, I am going to find out....

Saturday, July 01, 2006

DNA spiral layout

Yup... new layout again.
This time its titled "Spiral of Life: DNA".

Because of the slight tweak to the javacript, the the layout the user may have selected before is not reflected.

Thus if you like any of the previous layout, you can switch back using the style changer on the right.

Avaliable styles are:
Stepping Stone
Bleach Theme: Zangetsu-Ichigo
Spiral of Life: DNA

Layouts (and ONLY the Layout, i.e. ONLY the positioning of the content and NOT the content itself) are all licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License

Oh and Youth Day coming too!! Its this Monday. Thus, Monday is a School Holiday. Yeah!!!

Content and Layout by GenSephyr. Copyright © 2007 GenSephyr All Rights Reserved

Site designed with Open Source Technologies.