Risen Against Gravity


I've moved my blog and portfolio to http://fusedthought.com/en/blog. However, this site will still be kept as an archive...

Individual entires can still be accessed using their trackback links.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Broken as it is...

Its been a week since I last blogged... Everything is going past very fast... A blink of an eye an its gone... Busy with almost everything. Schools not making anything easier. 8 hours of sleep? Thats history...

Broken as it is

Come to the topic. Nothing was actually broken.. Perhaps mentally but not physically...

I guess 2 main events. Caused my heart to break like a thin glass.... One happened a while ago (Event Number 2), and that I need sometime to organize before could write about it...

Lets start with Event Number 1...

Event Number 1 (only a small crack): Ok.. for the boring one... bowling today was a bit of a heart break. Videos and friends say otherwise, but to the coach it still seems wrong... time delay? Friends say yes, videos say yes, but coach say no.

Just what am I going to do???

Now for Event Number 2 (its broken entirely): Well... its already some time... but this was a big heartbreak.. Ok.. not that big.. but at least it was a closure... Or so I thought..

Still got lapses of aching-ness.. But at least I can sleep at night now... I really shouldn't dwell on it... but sometimes just can't help myself... at least everything went back ok... Certain degree of changes definitely.. my HP also went darn silent.. it became so eerie....

I really need to refocus...


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