Risen Against Gravity


I've moved my blog and portfolio to http://fusedthought.com/en/blog. However, this site will still be kept as an archive...

Individual entires can still be accessed using their trackback links.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

IE8 Standards Compliant?

It seems too good to be true… On a recent entry into the IEBlog, Dean Hachamovitch announced that Internet Explorer 8 has successfully rendered the Acid2 test.

This news is expected to be more significant to web developers than to the average web user. For the uninitiated, Acid2 is a test page for web browsers published by The Web Standards Project (WaSP). It aims to help browser vendors ensure proper support for web standards in their products. When correctly rendered, it would show a smiley face.
However, up to this point, none of the major browsers in use today (the non-beta versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer) can render the picture correctly.

The final release of IE8 is still unknown though.. For their part, there are subtle hints in the post regarding the final support IE8 will have… In a paragraph, it was said that:

When we look at the long lists of standards (even from just one standards body, like the W3C), which standards are the most important for us to support? ………… Many advances in web technologies, like the img tag, start out as unilateral extensions by a vendor. The X in AJAX, for example, has only started the formal standardization process relatively recently. ……………….. Different individuals have different opinions about different standards. The important thing about the Acid2 test is that it reflects what one particular group of smart people “consider most important for the future of the web.”

So we just have to adopt a wait and see attitude..

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Interesting Finding

This is plain interesting.. Chance open a site talking about a Thumbdrive which was bought from China, which turned out to be fake. So beware...

Take a look:

Full article at: http://www.gadget9.com/2007/06/17/usb-thumdrive-from-china/. Picture originally from there too.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Asian Idol

Was watching Asian Idol yesterday. Well, Singapore's Hady Mirza won. Its quite a great accolades..

However, watching the show, it wasn't the singing by all the idols that I took notice of. Rather, it was the some of the things that the MC said that got me laughing or bugged me.

Take for example, after the performance by Singapore's Idol Hady and Malaysian Idol Jaclyn, the MC commented (not quoted ad verbatim here): "Wow. Singapore and Malaysia in perfect harmony. Something you don't see very often.".
How true. The political situation between the two countries, are on a delicate balance which are not always in balance.

Then in another case, the performance by Australian Idol Guy Sebastian, stress was put on the fact that he was from Malaysia, not once, not twice but three times. Also another sentence by Guy, (correct me if I am wrong here) that its Australia needs Asia not the other way round.

Though simple sentences, the implications of these seems bigger than it actually is...

Sunday, December 09, 2007


When you think the tunnel has ended, someone or some event seems to start extending that tunnel again. You start wondering when will this ever end.
I guess that answer becomes obvious after a while. "It never ends"...

Maybe I'm a bit "emo" this few days due to my dental surgery which render me unable to talk and eat. Its been mentally and emotionally draining this period and the surgery wasn't the sole cause. Told myself once that I wouldn't fall into that emotional trap again but it seems that I did. I seem to be stuck in a position where I can't let my feelings out.
There are times when I thought I would lose control and times when I almost did... But thankfully, there is always someone who knowingly or unknowingly pull me back from those states.

I really need to snap out of this cycle... Gambatte!

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