Risen Against Gravity


I've moved my blog and portfolio to http://fusedthought.com/en/blog. However, this site will still be kept as an archive...

Individual entires can still be accessed using their trackback links.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Exam Withdrawal Syndrome (EWS)

Thought it would be a nice first few days of rest after the exams..
But got Exam Withdrawal Syndrome instead. One moment you're mugging for 2 weeks 24/7 and then suddenly you do not have to do so anymore... It really feels weird. Got urge to study but no motivation to study. Very paradoxical.
Well I'm not the only one. A few of my friends are feeling the same too. Haha, wondering whether to start studying something extra.

Well I kept myself busy. Been trying to teach myself C++ and Flash/ActionScripting. Been brushing up on my CSS skills and usage also. Will be rolling out a new website design. Moreover thinking of building a CMS (content management site) to put history essays. But I guess that will come later.

Went to watch the Exocism of Emile Rose. Can say quite errie. However, the first show on exocism : "The Exocist" was scarier than this. However, this show is enough to spook anybody or even get them to start praying. 6 demons althogether. Permit me to exclaim : "my God!!!"

However, something had infuriated me today. Or rather, yesterday, once I finish this post.
I was accused of writing, actually tagging someones blog, which I did not.
I will not provide a full transcript of what happened, its between the parties involved. But I'll just give an overview..
Basically does a two letters mean anything?? One has to see "gs" and automatically think it is me. Come on! There are so many people out there with gs as their initials. Furthermore, my initials are not even "gs". For the record, its gyjz or gyeojz, as seen in my URL.
I get angry when there is no prove and somebody starts pointing fingers.
Whats even more provoking in the matter is that I specifically thought about my online nick and site branding, wanting it to be something special.
Why do I have to further shorten it?? I would gladly announce my nick on the site I post to, and I can say I am proud of the nick!

At least I'm glad that incident has been straightened out.

Better sign off now b4 I "over-rant". Got to sleep soon too! Have to collect my Secondary Leaving Certification today at about 8am.

cya =)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Password protected script

Hey xiiaomiin..
Copy the script below into the head tags
Remember to change the password and the prompt msg.


Warning: the script above provides only basic password protection and is insecure. Like I suggested before, use diary-x if you really want to keep a private password protected blog.


Friday, November 11, 2005

O levels half way through!!

Wow. What a week! *takes a deep breath* This is it.. D-Day! Concluding 4 years of Secondary School life,I'm (or rather Sec 4 Students) are already into the 5th day of the 2 week long Cambridge-Singapore 'O' Level Exams.

Currently, Social Sudents, E.Maths, English Language, Biology,History 2158 (World Affairs), Literature are done with, including Chinese which we sat for in June.

My goodness! The questions asked can be really weird. For instance, History 2158. So many specific qeustions came out. out of 31 essays, 22 of them were specific. I've never seen so many specific come out in the previous years. Than there were some that were almost... (well I cannot find the correct word to describe it.)
For example, one of the questions: Outline the main events in the history of the Weimer Republic duting the years of 1919 to 1929.
If they want to cut the essay timeline, then cut more. That esssy is not much different from the 1919 to 1933 timeline. The difference is only one sentence which is "Hitler became the chancellor and rose to power in January 1933".
And what the he**!? An overlapping question of pacific war and SCAP?? If we were to write everything, from the bombing of Pearl Harbour , then the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, finally SCAP recovery of Japan, it would take us about an hour, way past the time limit of 1/2 hour per essay for 5.
Even our teacher, when found out about some questions like Tiananmen Square massacre and Deng Xiaoping came out, she control herself from exclaiming "those *~censored~* !!"

Biology Multiple Choice Paper 1 was almost relaxing. A 1 hour paper left most of us freezing in the air-condition hall for 35 minutes as most had already finished it in 25 minutes. You could hear some people stretching themselves in the hall.Although that cannot be said for the Biology Paper 2. There was an essay on eutropication (isn't that supposed to be in Chemistry??). Well I really hope I can do well in Biology. I don't really have high hopes. My fault actually. I cut myself during the biology practicals about 3 weeks ago. And it was a deep one. It took 2 days for it to totally stop bleeding. It just healed, with the outer skin / or you may called the epidermis (onsisting of the gradular and conified layer) still forming.

Just finish E Maths paper 2 today, and never did I expect the fibonacci sequence would make its way into the paper. Well, thankfully they did not ask how to find the n^th term. That would have taken some time. Anyway, can say we had enough time to do the paper twice... a situation totally the opposite from out prelimss. The prelims were disastrous, with many not completing the paper. Even though I completed the paper for prelim, I still got a B3 as I lost over 15 marks due to careless mistakes.

Anyway, taking a 3 day break before the next paper which is Additional Mathematics.Thats 5 papers off the list, with 4 more to go!!

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