Monthly Reflection: November
Wow!! Ths Singapore Idol Has finally ended!!! It has been declared!!! Taufik Batisah is our FIRST ever Singapore Idol...
This is one hell of a nght... both sang so well... Quite a waste actually, that Sylvester has lost.... quite a talent he's got there... I have always been on the neutral standing.
On a personal front, The Singapore Idol finals also meant the end off November and the start of December, which means the start of a busy schedule... December is full of camps and activities... i even have two camps running rest... Homework has yet been dine... i have been spending a lot of time on my computer this November reformating it and getting it up and running, settle my router problems and sort out the pile of software i have, some outdated....
I have also revamped my blog, got the template from blogskins, but did some editing behind the scenes and some tables added.
Also, I posted my my new personal website at It is my first trial at flash, I hope visitors will like it.
In Singapore, we marked the 100+ days since Mr Lee Hsien Loong accended the post of Prime Minister. We saw the change of many long time policies like the Chinese language policy and many others...
Mr Goh Sin Tub, a writer as well as a long time alumni, old-boy and a generous contributor to St Joseph's Institution has been called back to the Lord recently... My deepest condolences to his family.... As a student of SJI and an avid reader of his books, I am saddend by his passing...
On the world front, a lot has happened in November. The United States of America has voted for President Bush to continue serving in the White House....
Kofi Annan, the S.G of the United Nations is in trouble as he is losing the votes of confidence due to an inquiry into the now defunct UN oil-for-food programme allowing the recently oust Saddam Hussein to trade oil for food... Mr. Annan's son is reportedly involved in this...
The Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat also died, causing much grieve in that country, and a closure to a chapter in their history.
The war on terror has also yet to come to and end, and the end does not seem very near. Recently, the Al Qaeda 2nd man made and announcement/speech saying that they will not stop the attacks on the United States if the United States refused to respect the Arab world....
The cross-straits relations between China and Taiwan seems to have gotten worse with President Chen pushing for independence..
What has the world become?? has it become better or worse i dunno...
Thats all for now....
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